
The Cerefy Atlas of Brain Anatomy 腦部解剖圖解 For Mac 英文正式版

  • 貨  號:mac0474
  • 種  類:
  • 影片年份:2019
  • 演  員: act |
  • 瀏覽次數:466
  • 銷售價: NT$150

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The Cerefy Atlas of Brain Anatomy "腦部解剖圖解" For Mac 英文正式版
      The Cerefy Atlas of Brain Anatomy "腦部解剖圖解" For Mac 英文正式版 
                             For MacOS 8.1/or High 
                  腦部解剖圖解光碟。最新版 HoneRdBT 全台首發 
        2003.04.15     全新〞光榮 〞上市           XYZ STUDIO 
      The Cerefy Atlas of Brain Anatomy "腦部解剖圖解" For Mac 英文正式版 
  ■ 參考網址:http://www.cerefy.com/products/NE/CABA/CABA.html 
    The Cerefy Atlas of Brain Anatomy 這是最新的一個加強型腦部解剖圖解版本 
    ,Cerefy 腦部剖析圖解是 Cerefy 最新的圖解是神經解剖的最新工具,對於那 
    An enhanced version of Cerefy Student Brain Atlas The Cerefy Atlas of 
    Brain Anatomy is our latest atlas-assisted neuroanatomy tool. Medical 
    students, residents, teachers as well as researchers can use this 
    affordable yet powerful CD-ROM application. 
    -atlas-based interactive naming of MRI images 
    -enhanced atlas-data triplanar navigation 
    -enhanced testing against location and name of 1,600 cerebral 
    -triplanar display and control on axial, coronal, and sagittal images 
    -mensuration useful to study spatial relationships 
    -easy-to-use anatomy searching 
    -saving of labeled images suitable for preparing teaching materials 
    -saving of testing results. 
             XYZ STUDIO 強力推薦!!!一定讓你值回票價,保證錯不了。 
                                                           XYZ STUDIO 目錄編輯 
    版軟體,以支援作者或出版公司能再出版最好的軟體!!! 為了您將來的後續服務, 